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Anthropometric formulas




Lean body weight (LBW)


Devine equation:

LBW (Males) = 50 + [ 2.3 x  (60 - Height in inches) ]

LBW (Females) = 45.5 +  [ 2.3 x  (60 - Height in inches) ]



Hume equation:

LBW (Males) = (0.3281 x Weight in kg) + (0.33939 x Height in cm) - 29.5336

LBW (Females) = (0.29569 x Weight in kg) + (0.41813 x Height in cm) - 43.2933



The Devine method is the default result.  For short stature patients (less than 60 inches), the Hume method is utilized when its result is less than baseline LBW (50kg for males, 45.5kg for females) and greater than Devine.


Please note that neither of these method is valid in amputees.


Body surface area (BSA)


Mosteller equation:

BSA  =  Square root of  (HT X WT) / 3600


         HT = height in centimeters

         WT = weight in kilograms



Serum Creatinine Adjustement for IDMS CREAT


If your laboratory utilizes the IDMS traceable creatinine, the serum creatinine must be adjusted in order to use older equations such as Cockroft and Gault:


Non-IDMS SrCr (mg/dL) = IDMS CREAT (mg/dL) x 1.065 + 0.067



Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) per Cockroft and Gault


The default method uses Lean Body Weight. The reason for this is, creatinine is a by-product of muscle metabolism, not fat. Therefore, excess weight, in the form of fat, does not significantly affect the production of creatinine


You may optionally choose to calculate with an Adjusted body weight:


1.   Calculate body weight adjusted for obesity* (ABW)

 ABW = LBW + [0.3 x (WT-LBW)]


         WT = actual body weight in kg

         LBW = lean body weight in kg


*Obesity defined as BMI > 30.



2.   Calculate creatinine clearance (CrCl)

 CrCl Males = [ABW x (140 - Age)] / (SrCr x  72)

 CrCl Females = 85% of male value


         SrCr = the most recent serum creatinine in mg/dL

         ABW = adjusted body weight in kg



Note: For optional CrCl methods, please see the help topic Other Creatinine Clearance Methods.




Lean body weight (LBW)


Traub equation:

LBW = (HT2 x  1.65)/1000


         HT = height in centimeters



Body surface area (BSA)


Haycock equation:

BSA  =  0.024265 x HT 0.3964 x WT 0.5378


         HT = height in centimeters

         WT = weight in kilograms




Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) per Schwartz


CrCl =  (k x HT/SrCr) x  (1.73/BSA)


         HT = height in centimeters

         SrCr = the most recent serum creatinine in mg/dL

         k = 0.33 if weight < 2.5 kg

         k = 0.45 if age <1 year

         k = 0.55 if age 1-12 years



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