- Cockcroft and Gault LBW
CLCR Male = (Weight x [140 - Age]) / (SrCr x 72)
CLCR Female = 85% of male value
. . . where SrCr is the most recent serum creatinine.
. . . Weight = Lean Body Weight (LBW)
- Cockcroft and Gault Adjusted BW
Same as above where Weight = Adjusted Body Weight (ABW):
If Total Body Weight (TBW) > LBW then:
ABW = LBW + (0.4 x [TBW - LBW])
- Cockcroft and Gault Total BW
Same as above where Weight = Total Body Weight
- Cockcroft and Gault normalized
CLCR Male = (140 - Age) / SrCr
CLCR Female = 85% of male value
- Jellife bedside method
CLCR Male = (98 - [0.8 x (Age - 20)]) / SrCr
CLCR Female = 90% of male value
- Jellife multi-step
- Estimate urinary creatinine excretion rate (E)
E (Male) = LBW x (29.305 -[0.203 x (age)])
E (Female) = LBW x (25.3 -[0.18 x (age)])
- Calculate normalized creatinine clearance (CLCR)
CLCR/1.73 M2 = (E * 0.12) / (SrCr * BSA)
. . . where BSA is body surface area in M2
GFR Male = exp[ 5.228 - ( 1.154 x log{SrCr} ) - ( 0.203 x log{Age} )
GFR Female = 74.2% of male value
Correct to BSA / 1.73
- Salazar and Corcoran
CLCR Male = {(137 - Age) x [(0.285 x Wt) + (12.1 x Ht2)]} / (51 x SrCr)
CLCR Female = {(146 - Age) x [(0.287 x Wt) + (9.74 x Ht2)]} / (60 x SrCr)
. . . Wt is the current weight in kg
. . . Ht is height in meters
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Estimation of Creatinine Clearance from Serum Creatinine Concentration - a review.
Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1978;12:140-150.
- Rhodes PJ, et al.
Evaluation of Eight Methods for Estimating Creatinine Clearance in Men.
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- Chow MS, Schweizer R.
Estimation of Creatinine Clearance in Patients with Unstable Serum Creatinine Concentrations: Comparison of Multiple Methods.
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- Jelliffe RW, Jelliffe SM.
Estimation of creatinine clearance in patients with unstable renal function. (revised).
Originally published: A computer program for estimation of creatinine clearance from unstable serum creatinine concentration.
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Predicting creatinine clearance and renal drug clearance in obese patients from estimated fat-free body mass.
Am J Med. 1988 Jun;84(6):1053-60.
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A simplified equation to predict glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine.
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Impact of various body weights and serum creatinine concentrations on the bias and accuracy of the Cockcroft-Gault equation.
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