RikiTikiWiki© is a desktop wiki, an information sharing tool for
collecting and organizing shared knowledge into a hyper-linked, searchable database.
What is a wiki?
Shortened from the Hawaiian word for quickly (wikiwiki), wiki has also
been described by the "backronym" What I Know
Wiki software provides a framework for organizing a freely expandable
collection of hyperlinked pages. Documents are authored collectively using
a simple markup scheme. The resulting collaborative hypertext document, called a
wiki, is produced by a community of users.
The original WikiWikiWeb was established in 1995 by
Ward Cunningham, who invented and named the Wiki concept and produced the first implementation
of a WikiWiki server.
RikiTikiWiki© is based on Notebook,
a desktop wiki written by Will Duquette.
Practical application
The implementation of a hospital pharmacy department wiki was described in a paper presented by
Rick Tharp at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting December 2006:
An article written by Rick also appeared in the trade publication Pharmacy Purchasing and products:
One problem with the tools traditionally used to distribute information is their
volatility. A note written on a white board is here today and erased tomorrow.
Sticky notes become unstuck and swept into the trash. Memos and e-mails are read,
discarded, and often forgotten.
A wiki is a simple, yet powerful, tool for distribution of information which also
provides a readily available and retrievable knowledge base.
The information to be included in a pharmacy wiki is limited only by one's grasp of
the wiki concept. Examples of wiki content are:
- Formulary information
- Automatic substitutions
- Restricted drug list
- Pyxis tips and troubleshooting
- Pharmacy Infomation System tips and troubleshooting
- Clinical pearls
- Links to external web sites and web-based documents
- Links to intranet documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), such as:
- Forms
- Policies and Procedures
Features of RikiTikiWiki©
- Automatically indexes new pages, permitting a powerful global search function.
- Tracks page edits (who and when), and provides the ability to roll back changes.
- Uses Creole wiki markup.
Creole is derived from extensive research into the ease-of-use and functionality of wiki markup.
- "What's New" automatic log page.
- Full feature text editor, supports search and replace
- Supports images and tables.
- Extensive online help.
- Starter topics includes.
System requirements for RikiTikiWiki©
32- and 64-bit Windows OS:
- 128 MB of RAM
- 10 MB of available hard disk space
View RikiTikiWiki© screens
(Click thumbnails to view full size)
RikiTikiWiki© Version history
- Version 1.1.9 - Revision date: January 6, 2018
- Fixed: leadings spaces in WikiWord
- Added: print preivew (fix for printer issue?)
- Version 1.1.8 - Revision date: November 18, 2016
- Fixed: exclude https: and .gov sites from recognitions as a WikiWord
- Version 1.1.7 - Revision date: August 17, 2015
- Added: navigate up to root category
- Version 1.1.6 - Revision date: July 21, 2014
- Fixed: load local html file into browser, not wiki.
- Version 1.1.5 - Revision date: November 1, 2013
- Added: Unicode character support.
- Version 1.1.4 - Revision date: December 23, 2012
- Improved: web page and document linking.
- Version 1.1.3 - Revision date: October 31, 2011
- Fixed: 'file not found' error.
- Version 1.1.2 - Revision date: August 24, 2011
- Added: exact phrase search function: "enclose it in quotes".
- Version 1.1.1 - Release date: January 26, 2011
Download RikiTikiWiki© for Windows
RikiTikiWiki© is free for educational, non-commercial use.
- Install the program into a shared folder on the network.
- Give all staff full read/write privileges to the shared folder.
- Encourage all staff to embrace "the wiki way".
Donate to support further development of RikiTikiWiki© for Windows
RikiTikiWiki© is free for educational, non-commercial use.
We do however ask for a small donation if you find the software useful in your practice.
This is the only way we know whether to continue further development of this software.
Click the PayPal button to open a new window to the secure payment site.
- Cunningham, Ward, and Leuf, Bo. The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration on the Web. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Addison-Wesley. 2001.
- Sauer, IM, Bialek, Dominik, et al. "Blogs and Wikis are Valuable Software Tools for Communication within Research Groups. Artificial Organs 29(1) 2005, pp 82-83.
- Boulos MN, Maramba I, Wheeler S. "Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education." BMC Med Educ. 2006 Aug 15;6:41
- Delie, Michelle. "The Enterprise Blogosphere". Info World 28 Mar 2005.
- Goodnoe, Ezra. "Wikis Make Collaboration Easier". Information Week 29 Aug 2005. pp. 52-58.
- Hemrajani, Anil. "Working Together With Wikis". PC Magazine. 03 Aug 2005.
- Matias, Nathan "What is a Wiki" 3 Nov 2003.
- Young, Damon. "A Short Guide to Wikis". Apr 2006.